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Monday, March 21, 2011

How to make money online with Club Asteria?

Your Gateway to a Brighter Future!
Club Asteria is a Global Membership Organization that provides training, resources & innovative programs to empower our Members.
How to make money online with Club Asteria?

It's very easy to earn money from Club Asteria. Please note that you have to pay $19.95 per month for Membership Subscription fee then you can earn money weekly from Club Asteria.

Click here for Signup at Club Asteria

Membership Status:

B-SILVER MEMBER: Fee: $9.95 per Month

  • 10 Asterios each Month
  • Participate in Weekly Commission Run
  • $4.50 Cash Monthly from Membership Fee Paid by Silver Introductions
  • $4.50 Cash Monthly from Membership Fee Paid by Gold Introductions

C-GOLD MEMBER: Fee: $19.95 per Month

  • 20 Asterios each Month
  • Participate in Weekly Commission Run
  • $4.50 Cash Monthly from Membership Fee Paid by Silver Introductions
  • $9.00 Cash Monthly from Membership Fee Paid by Gold Introductions
It is not mandatory to make additional purchases but Silver and Gold members will receive revenue share commissions based on their total Asterios Balance. Silver and Gold Members earn these Asterios and Cash revenue every week on Thursday. The revenue share range is 3% to 10% every week. After the revenue share percentage is determined 80% of that is added (compounded) to each member's Asterios Balance and 20% is put in their Cash Balance. You can use any of your cash balance to purchase Asterios or withdraw it after it is $1.00 or more.

Network Director (ND) member pay $19.95 per month plus a one time Network Director fees are given below:

D-Network Director-ND1 upgrade fee of $1,000 (ND1),
E-Network Director-ND2 upgrade fee of $3,000 (ND2),
F-Network Director -ND3 upgrade fee of $5,000 (ND3),
G-Senior Network Director-ND4 upgrade fee of $7,000 (ND4),
H-Executive Network Director-ND4 upgrade fee of $9,500 (ND4)
and receives the same benefits as Gold members except NDs receive a larger percentage of commission and revenue sharing depending on their level of membership.

Network Directors have even more ways to earn money and these are well explained on the website. As a Network Director your income can go beyond $2,000 to $5,000 a month.  
For more details, please see the video link

When your direct referrals make additional purchases you receive a 10% commission (Network directors receive up to 30%). As an example if your referral purchases 250 Asterios you automatically receive $25. You can then use that to purchase more Asterios or request a Cashout from the cash balance. Please note that Your Cashout Amount must be greater than or equal to $1.00 and must be less than your Cash Balance.

Payment Method for Membership Subscription fee:
  • AlertPay
  • Paypal
  • CashX
  • Solid Trust Pay
  • Towah Banking (MasterCard)
Payment Method for Purchase Asterios:
  • Cash Balance
  • CashX
  • AlertPay
  • Towah Banking
  • Solid Trust Pay
Caution: Please do not register at Club Asteria if you are unable to pay $19.95 per month 
              for membership subscription fee.

For more details please see the Bengali description.

If you are interested to join with Club Asteria, 
please click the link then Singup.

Best of luck. Happy earning.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to earn money from PTC?

wcwUwm n‡”Q †cBW Uz wK¬K| A_©vr wcwUwm I‡qemvB‡U †iwR‡óªkb K‡i ïaygvÎ wK¬K K‡i D³ mvBUwU wfwRU Ki‡j Avcbvi GKvD‡›U Wjvi Rgv n‡e| cÖwZw`b wK¬K K‡i Avq Kiv hv‡e| GBRb¨ wcwUwm mvBU¸‡jv‡Z †iwR‡óªkb K‡i wbqwgZ wK¬‡Ki gva¨‡g Avcwb Wjvi Avq Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| ‡h †KD N‡i e‡m wcwUwm †Z DcvR©b Ki‡Z cv‡ib| GwU B›Uvi‡b‡Ui gva¨‡g Av‡qi me‡P‡q mnR c×wZ| cÖ_‡g †h †Kv‡bv e¨vbvi ev wjs‡K wK¬K K‡i mvBbAvc A_ev †iwRóªv‡i wK¬K K‡i mvBbAvc dig wdjvc Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e wcwUwm mvBU¸‡jv‡Z †iwR‡óªªkb Kivi Av‡M cÖ_‡g GjvU©‡c †Z GKwU GKvD›U Lyj‡Z n‡e| Zvici wcwUwm mvB‡U †iwR‡óªkb K‡i jM-Bb Kivi ci wfD G¨vWfviUvBR‡g›U A_ev ÒwfD G¨vWÓ G wK¬K K‡i wKQz¶b A‡c¶v Ki‡j Avcbvi GKvD‡›U Wjvi Rgv n‡e| we¯—vwiZ Rvb‡Z B-‡gBj Ki‡Z cv‡ib|  

Monday, February 14, 2011

How to earn money?

GB mvBUwU wfwRU Kivi Rb¨ mevB‡K ab¨ev`| Avwg †Póv Kie wbqwgZ BbKvg Kivi Dc‡hvMx wKQz Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z| AvkvKwi mevB wbqwgZ GB mvBwU wfwRU Ki‡eb Ges wbqg Abyhvqx BbKvg Kivi Rb¨ GB mvBUwU wfwRU Ki‡eb| GLv‡b wewfbœ ai‡bi Av‡qi Dc‡hvMx welq¸‡jv wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kie| ïaygvÎ g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i GB mvBUwU eªvDR Ki‡j mewKQz Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb| GLv‡b we‡kl K‡i wcwUwm, Bb‡fó‡g›U BZ¨vw` mKj cÖKvi BbKvg Kivi welq¸‡jv wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡e|

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Earn Money Online, PTC, Paying HYIP and more earning process

Earn Money Online, PTC, Paying HYIP and more earning process. You can earn money as much as you want from online. You just need work short time. Earn money from PTC, Micro job, HYIP, outsourching and much more earning process.